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A startling discovery  

The cave was discovered by sheer chance on 28 December 1957, the country’s April Fool’s Day, when an explosion at a nearby dolomite quarry opened a hole in the mountain, uncovering a dazzling secret world. That hole is today’s entrance to Pozalagua. Once you cross it, you’ll venture into a marvellous underground universe.  


After the discovery, the mineral extraction site was relocated in an attempt to avoid damaging the cave formations. Eventually, in 1976, the town council of Karrantza opted to shut the quarry in order to preserve the integrity of the cavern.

The cave was properly fitted out and opened to the public in 1991, so everyone can marvel at it magnificence now.


They hang down from the roof of the cave.


They rise from the floor of the cave.


They sprout at whim in every direction.

Defying gravity.

Pozalagua Cave is covered with stalagmites and stalactites – including a record number of the bizarre and startling eccentric stalactites.


Eccentric stalactites sprout at whim, intertwining in every direction with fanciful shapes that resemble roots or coral reefs. These structures are so strange that, when seen together, make for an awe-inspiring sight.


Pozalagua has the greatest concentration of these strange stalactites in the world, according to geologists. Apart from their sheer number, they are longer and wider than the average eccentric stalactite.

Best Corner (2013)

In 2013, Pozalagua represented the Basque Country in the Repsol Guide’s Best Corner Contest. And it won it!

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